Tax criminal law
Among the main areas of expertise of Avv. Riccardo Lucev, tax criminal law is a field in which the Firm has gained extensive and in-depth experience, both through the study of the subject and publication of numerous doctrinal contributions and through the direct management of countless judicial and extra-judicial cases.
In the judicial field, the Firm provides defensive assistance in all phases of the criminal proceeding concerning tax crimes, starting with a close cooperation with the tax expert appointed by the Client, in order to set up the best defensive strategy right from the early stages of the tax dispute.
In the extrajudicial field, the Firm provides advisory in the numerous aspects of tax law which may require criminal law evaluations, such as, by way of example, the criminal consequences of various forms of settlement that can be reached with the tax office or the existence of the preconditions to benefit from criminal causes of non-punishability.
The Firm's experience in these fields ranges from domestic to transnational tax criminal matters, thus with reference, for example, to cases of hidden permanent establishments in Italy or inverted foreign residency of Italian entities.